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The powerful link: the V-belt of your scooter explained

De krachtige schakel: De V-snaar van je scooter uitgelegd

Fresh Parts |


(Brief explanation of CVT:That means that the transfer ratios constantly change. In the manual, automatic and DSG gearboxes, each gear has its own transmission ratio.)

Most modern scooters use a continuous variable transmission (CVT) to adjust the transfer ratio between the engine and the wheels. An important part of this transmission system is the V-belt, which plays an essential role in flexibly transferring the power power. In this blog article we delve deeper into what a V-belt is, how it works and why it is so important for the operation of your scooter.

What is one V-string In a scooter?

A V-belt, also known as the variant belt, is a rubber belt used in the transmission of a scooter. It has a V-shaped profile, hence the name, and is placed in the CVT between the drive disc (coupling) and the driven disc.

What does the V-string?

The V-belt in your scooter has the most important function to transfer the driving force of the motor from the drive disc to the driven disc. Here is how it works:

1. Drive disc (coupling): The drive disc is on the engine side of the CVT. When the engine runs, the V-belt is pressed against the drive disc.

2. Variable transmission ratio: Due to the variable transmission ratio of the CVT, the effective diameter of the drive disc changes. This results in a change in the diameter of the V-string.

3. Driven disc: The driven disc is located at the back of the CVT. The V-belt runs over this disc and adapts to the variable diameter.

4. Transfer of drive power: if the V-belt has a smaller diameter, it will take deeper into the grooves of the drive disc and moves outside on the driven disc, which increases the transmission ratio and the scooter can accelerate smoothly. With a larger diameter, the V-belt moves inwards on the driven disc, which reduces the transfer ratio and the scooter can drive more efficiently at higher speeds.

Why is the V-string important?

The V-belt in your scooter is crucial for the following reasons:

1. Smooth switching: Thanks to the V-belt, your scooter can switch smoothly between different speeds, which ensures a pleasant and seamless driving experience.

2. Efficiency: The variable transmission ratio of the CVT enables the V-belt to maintain the optimum power transmission at different speeds, resulting in better fuel consumption and more efficient use of the engine power.

3. Reduced wear: a well-maintained V-string reduces the load on the drive disc and the driven disc, whereby the wear of the transmission components is minimized and the lifespan of your scooter is extended.

4. Reliability: With a well-functioning V-string you can rely on the smooth operation of the CVT and make a reliable and trouble-free ride.


The V-belt in the CVT of your scooter plays a crucial role in smooth transfer of the drive power and adjusting the transfer ratio at different speeds. A well-maintained V-string ensures a pleasant driving experience, efficient fuel consumption and extends the life of the transmission components of your beloved scooter. So don't forget to regularly check the V-belt and replace it if necessary, so that you can always enjoy a smooth and reliable ride.