Step 1: Get your first carter off.
Step 2: Loosen the nut from your clutch house, if you want to block the clutch you can have a clutch block to use.
Step 3: Then remove the whole from coupling and poulies from the axis of your toothing.
Step 4: Remove your rear wheel from your scooter. If necessary, also the exhaust take it off.
Step 5: Now let your scooter support a block of wood or something like that so that the block is just a bit off the ground.
Step 6: Now you see at the axis where your poulies are, there are also a number of Allen bolts, turn them all loose
Step 7: Now all the oil will go out, so make sure you have a bowl under it
Step 8: Now you can pull the entire teeth out, first the axle where the poulies on it with the lid attached to it, then the small middle axle and then last your rear axle (there are also 2 rings on the middle axle)
Step 9: Make sure that all the gasket remains of the old gasket between the tandling lid and Carter are gone
Step 10: Put your new rear axle in your crankcase, and then the small middle axle (don't forget the 2 rings on the middle axle)
Step 11: Now you can put the teeth lid with axle (and a new gasket) on it again, and then tighten the Allen.
Step 12: Now you can turn out the oil plug at the top of the crankcase and the new one there teeth oil do it in.
Step 13: Now you can put the rear wheel on it.
Step 14: Now your rear poulies with coupling and V-string Shift on it again and then the clutch house on it and the nut there.
Step 15: Now your crankcap can get back on and you're ready.
Replace toothing

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